Friday, April 16, 2010

I am not dead. Promise!

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've last posted. I've just been busy with what seems like finals month. Yes, I said month, because it doesn't feel like finals week. I promise I will post more soon. I've been super super busy. Check out some of my other blogs on the you can also find me here links. I've also been trying to post to those. My sink is also full of dishes and we are in the market for a portable dishwasher. In other words, I haven't really had much time to slave over a hot stove and oven cooking.

I've also been busy getting everything ready for graduation and I got into graduate school in the Elementary Education department. So, I've also been getting ready for graduate school. To top it off I've been looking for a summer P/T job that I can be doing so that we can pay our rent. If you hear of anything please let me know! I need something that is flexible enough to work with my school schedule.

Can you see why I haven't written in two months? I promise as soon as my sink is not full of dishes, it will get me back in the mood of actually cooking stuff, and I will post an idea or two here.



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