Monday, October 25, 2010

Recipe # 20 Halloween Favorites

A tradition that we had growing up in my parent's house was having Potato Cheese soup when we got finished Trick or Treating out in the neighborhood. Later, we added the bread sticks recipe to the mix from my food's class. 

I love both of them and recommend you try our fun Halloween family tradition. 

Sometimes we would throw in a Halloween movie into the mix and invite the grandparents over to watch it with us and enjoy our Potato Cheese soup and Bread sticks.

Garner’s Famous Halloween Potato Cheese Soup

4 Cups Potatoes
1 Cup Celery
1 Cup Carrots
½ Cup Onion
2 Cups Grated Cheese
2 Cups Ham

Cut up vegetables into bite-sized chunks. Boil vegetables in 3 Cups of Water for 10 minutes.

Cheese Sauce Ingredients:
½ Cup Butter
½ Cup Flour
4 Cups Milk
2 teaspoons Salt

Make white sauce. Melt butter and flour in a pan. Stir to make a paste. Try not to make it lumpy. Pour in milk and salt. Stir constantly until it gets smooth.

Add cream sauce to vegetables. Don’t drain the water off of the vegetables. Cool a little so the cheese won’t curdle when you add it to the mix.

Add one pound (2 Cups) of grated cheese. 

Add two cups of chopped ham.

And what soup would be complete without bread sticks to go with it?

Chewy Bread Sticks

11/2 teaspoon Yeast (add ½ teaspoon white sugar to help the yeast grow faster)
3 Cups of warmer water

Combine and let sit for 2 to 5 minutes.

11/2 teaspoon Malted Milk Powder
11/2 teaspoon Honey
½ teaspoon Salt

Mix together in a larger bowl, then add the yeast and water mixture.

11/2 to 13/4 Cups of flour

Add flour cup by cup to make soft, but not sticky dough.

Knead the dough. Let raise for 15 to 30 minutes.

Shape dough with your hands by rolling golf ball sized pieces of dough between your hands. ¾ inch thick to 4 to 5 inches long.

Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and a little Lawery season salt. Let raise to double the size. Bake at 400 degrees on an ungreased cookie sheet for 10 to 15 minutes.

Happy Halloween! Thanks Mom & Dad for making it so much fun growing up!



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